Sunday, July 1, 2012

My To Do List

Here is a list of things I cannot wait to do once this baby makes her way into this world.  Please be advised this is a purely selfish list, having nothing to do with the baby.

- Eat sushi
- Drink wine, drink anything I want for that matter
- Lay on my stomach
- Sleep on my back
- Have normal looking feet
- Wear my closet full of clothing that I have had nothing to do with for months
- Eat deli meat
- Walk normally... I cannot wait to be able to speed up and not waddle
- Shave without getting pooped
- Bend over and not get winded
- Get up from the sofa, bed or ground without assistance
- Sleep through the night without getting up to pee (this one may take some time)
- Workout (yes this is something I could have been doing all along, but alas too tired for that)

I am sure that there are other things, but this is what I can think of right now.

PS - I am also looking forward to holding my baby girl. ;)


Pam said...

I personally wouldn't count on the sleeping through the night anytime soon. Did you tell Olivia that it is July and she will have her own birth month now and doesn't have to wait any longer? Also the item on your list about shaving without getting pooped took me awhile to figure out.

vickie said...

It's hard to shave my legs. I can't go for very long if I am in the tub cause I can't hardly reach my feet and in the shower I feel like I might pass out if I am standing for too long. It's the little things...

Katie said...

You are still walking faster than me.

Katie said...

Also, above comment-

"can't go for very long if I am in the tub cause I can't hardly reach my feet and in the shower I feel like I might pass out if I am standing for too long. It's the little things..."


vickie said...

Ha ha ha... That's a good one!