Sunday, July 6, 2008

Vegan Shopping

In the spirit of the cleanse I stopped off at the Trader Joes on the way home from dinner to pick up a couple of items to help aide me in the days ahead. Lets just say that you have to be pretty damn creative to cut out all the "bad" (ie-good) stuff. I bought some tofu (not sure what I am going to do there), frozen veggies, ready to eat brown rice with mushrooms, soy milk (without sugar), kashi cereal (still not sure if that falls under this cleanse as okay) and a lot of salad. The funny thing is that I was totally thinking that it was going to be a huge amount of money to buy stuff to compensate for the food that I already have in the fridge but cannot eat and it ended up at $25, which included Paul's eggs. I guess when you take out all the BAD stuff i.e.-soda, booze, bread, cheese and meat, the rest is pretty cheap.

At least there is a high point to this so far... the $ savings!

Oprah I am going to make you proud.


Pam said...

Can you eat fresh fruit? The sugar in that is natural so I would think it would be okay.

vickie said...

Fresh fruit, thankfully is okay... But I have to admit the whole thing is harder than I thought that it would be and it has only been a day! Eeeekkkk!