With lunch done we did what every tour book told us was the thing to do, head down to the Feria de San Telmo. Basically it is a huge Antique/Arts and Crafts Open Market that different vendors and people bring all of their stuff on each Sunday and showcase it for everyone. They warned us that it would be crowded and that it would be over priced but we decided to check it out anyways. We took the Subway down to San Telmo, which was not that nice of an area, at least not compared to where we are staying or the places we had seen so far. Here are a few pics from the fair.
There were a ton of art exhibits on display as well and here are just a few.
Once we decided that it would take lifetime to walk that entire street with the fair going on so we headed over a couple of streets to walk up the the Plaza de Mayo. It has long been known as the hot bed for political activism and it is the location where Evita Peron ralied for the release of her husband from prison.
After the Plaza de Mayo we headed to the Subway and then back to the apartment to change in time for the futbol game at River Plate. I was a little hesitant to go to a futbol game here just because they take it much more seriously than anything I have ever experienced in the US, Futbol is Life here. But it was something that Paul really wanted to do so we headed out. We took the subway to the end of the line and then walked to the stadium. As we got closer there were tons of people, almost all of them in a River Plate jersey... So cool! You could feel the energy in the air and I have to say it is quite contageous.
It was the loudest and most emotional game that I have ever been to and I have to say that the crowd pulled me in and made me fall in love with the team and the sport. It was captivating, to say the least. We decided that we would leave a few minutes before the game got out so as to avoid the crowd and to make sure that we made it back to the subway before it closed down for the night at 10:30pm. We aparently you cannot leave the stadium till they let you. The Federal Police blocked all of the exits till the game was over. We thought that they would let us out once it ended but they held us till the other teams fan were out of the staium on their way. So annoying cause it was 10pm and the subway closes soon... So after they FINALLY released us, such a fire hazard, we walk-ran as fast we could to the subway and got there just in time for them to tell us that there was no other trains and it was too late to take the subway... Mind you it was 10:20 and we freakin' ran, but whatever.
After getting irritated with the first taxi that we pulled over, we got another one and took it back to the Plaza Italia. We were going to go back to the apartment and then head out for dinner but it was already 11pm and to be honest we were both too tired for a two hour meal. So we hit up the McDonalds by the apartment and then headed home.
What an eventful day. How fun to go to a soccer game in a country that lives and breathes the game. Sorry your experience after the game wasn't so good. Glad to get the update. Have you heard how Moe is doing?
That arts fair looks awesome. Did you get lots of goodies?
I have not heard about Moe yet, but Kathy is not so quick with the email and we have not figured out the phone card yet, so there you go.
We have heard from Leanna and all is well with Moe... He hid from Kathy but at least we know that he is alive.
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