Sunday, April 4, 2010

Earthquakes & My Anxiety - Totally Best Friends

I have a history with earthquakes and I don't mean that I have gone through them and they are great and no big deal to me.  No I mean that I hate them, no matter the scale they are awful to me.  I hate the feeling that the room is going to either shake off of the structure or that we are going to roll out into the road.  But most of all I hate sitting there letting my anxieties get the best of me, convincing me that it will never end and we are all going to die. 

Today was no different.  I was sitting in bed on the lappy and then I felt it start, tried to stay calm, thinking I must be wrong but it got stronger and kept going.  So I took off under the table with Paul in tow and once sercurely under the table I look up to see my cat Moe sitting on the bed looking at us like we were the crazy ones.  What!?!  Aren't animals supposed to be all senses and feel stuff before it happens so that they can warn you, clearly Moe is no Lassie.

So instead I sat under a table for 5 minutes, paniced, cried and then finally moved all my stuff under the table, since I was convinced that we were going to have another one.  I am a mess, I don't pretend to hide that fact.  I hate earthquakes and once I popped a little pill and made a fort under the table, I think that I am on my way to feeling much better. 

1 comment:

Katie said...

My favorite lines of the blog-

"or that we are going to roll out into the road."

"So I took off under the table with Paul in tow and once sercurely under the table"


"clearly Moe is no Lassie"

I also posted this pic on my blog. Are you spending the night under the table?