Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Going Solo...

Though it seems like a lifetime ago, I once lived alone and for quite some time. I loved being able to claim my space and know what was what and do as I pleased. And then about 3 years ago that all changed when I moved in with my then boyfriend and now husband. I was forced to get accustomed to someone else's habits and needs and find ways to deal with having someone else in my space at all hours of the day. Though it was tough in the beginning and if you were to ask either of us at the time, I am sure that we were not certain that we would make it... But we did.

And now, with Paul away visiting his brothers... I would like nothing more than to have someone crowding my space. I am grateful that we are independent enough to have our own lives and travel as we see fit, but it is comforting to know that we have one another to come back to.

I will make the most of this time alone, but I will surely make the most of the time that I will have with him when he returns.


Katie said...

Aww, that's sweet. Living alone is overated. That is if you think it would be a great time. If you think it would be a little lonely then you would be right on. But I will say that a little alone time can be enjoyable. But just a little.

Pam said...

Isn't it amazing that the thought of actually being alone for a few days is so appealing when you first think about it. Ah, I can watch what I want on t.v., go to bed early if I want, talk to the cats without getting that look. But then when the time actually arrives, it is lonely. Inevitably, something happens that I can't wait to tell your Dad about and then realize he won't be home for a few days. Oh well, enjoy the quiet because you do know Paul will be coming back and looking just as forward to seeing you as your are to seeing him.