Thursday, January 24, 2013

This girl is getting old...

And I am doing a terrible job of posting anything to do with her or our life.  BUT I am back, if not for a fleeting moment.  As you can see Olivia turned 5 months and then a month later... 6 MONTHS!!!!

And now you are caught up... Well for a moment that is!  Oh and Olivia is now crawling and sitting up.  And she is eating cereal and peas.  One week at a time we are getting that girl set on her veggies... So far so good, cause she LOVES her peas!  Who knew!?!


Pam said...

That's my girl. Veggies are good for you! Missing you...

vickie said...

Funny thing is that she likes the veggies WAY more than the rice cereal. So yeah for us!