Sunday, September 2, 2012

Only One More Month

Let the countdown begin... I go back to work in a month.  I have mixed feelings about this one.  On the one hand I am excited to get back to a normal routine and to a place where I am challenged intellectually, since lets be honest the most challenging part of my day right now is making up songs to sing and figuring out how I am going to fit in my pumping and naps around Olivia's schedule.  But then Olivia and I are just starting to really like one another.  She smiles at me and laughs at my singing and we have these wonderful naps together and I will miss them so much.  And I know that I am going to have only a few hours a day with her on the weekdays when she is not sleeping, and that will be rough.  I don't know how Paul handles it now, I would feel so left out if I was him... And I will be.  Someone else is going to get ther smiles and laughs and see her first moments of doing new things, and I will be at work dealing with the adult versions of immature children.  Oh wow I said I wanted to go back to work, right?!?  I do.  And I need to keep reminding myself that it is the best thing for both Olivia and I.  I know that I was not cut out to stay at home with her all day long, and hopefully this will be make me make the most of each and every moment with her.

Not only do I go back to work and have to leave Olivia, there is the little matter of having to fit back into my work clothes post pregnancy.  And sadly I think that this might be stressing me out more than leaving Olivia.  I was so excited to have lost 25 pounds in the first few weeks after delivering Olivia, but here we are a month later and I not lost a pound more.  And though that is fine since all I do is wear sweats and shorts most days, it will be a rather large issue come October 1.  So in an effort not to have to pull out the maternity wear when I go back to work, I am starting a diet and will actually start working out.  Don't get me wrong there have been a few failed attempts at working out in the last few weeks, but walking and doing yoga once a week won't really cut it at this point. 

Starting today, I am cutting out the carbs (when I can) and adding in more veggies and fruits and stopping all the regular soda drinking I have been doing.  And I will workout in one way or another for 30 minutes every day.  I have to lose at least 10 pounds before October 1 to feel good about fitting into some of my clothes.  My ultimate goal is to be below my pre-pregnancy weight by January 1.  I have to say I regreting all that crap that I ate during my pregnancy right about now.  I cannot believe that I gained 40 pounds and ate so much fast food, something I never thought that I would do... But oh well. 

This is right when I found out I was pregnant, so technically this is my before picture.

This is not cute, and was from about 6 weeks before Olivia was born.  I swore no one would ever see this one, but posting this will help keep me accountable and motivated to stick with the diet.

Wish me luck... October 1 is right around the corner!

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