Last night we had a scare. Nothing that resulted in a hospital visit, but it definitely worried me. In the last couple of weeks, I have felt the baby all day and all night. There is so little room left at this point, I can feel her move, kick, stretch, pretty much anything she does, I feel. But for some reason last night it felt like it had been a couple of hours since I could remember feeling her move and once you realize you don't know when the last time she moved, you freak. So I drank some juice, laid on my side and started the kick counts. Basically you are supposed to lay on your side and wait to feel the baby move or kick or do anything and keep track of how long it takes to get to ten movements. Normally it takes ten to twenty minutes, if that, but last night it took almost 45 and I cried through most of it. I admit I was a mess and ready to call labor and delivery to have them tell us what to do next. But she did it. Took longer than I wanted it to, but it happened. And the whole process made me realize how nervous I am going to be about tons of things in her life.
I definitely think that this part is rough, with not knowing if she is okay because she is on the inside and not the out, but what awaits us might be scarier. I will have no control over anything once she gets here, not something I think that I am ready for as well. Maybe I am not ready for any of this, but I am excited all the same.
One random moment of last night, Moe slept by my head all night. This cat has been super wierd with me since I got pregnant. He bites me every chance he gets and then follows me around like I might disapear into a wall. But when I am hurting or sad, he is there. He even sniffed/licked my tears last night. Paul was a little freaked out by this move, but it was sweet. Even now, he is by my side. Hopefully this is a sign that he will be good with the baby... Here's hoping!
Oh yeah that is my belly. Hard to hide at this point and why bother really!