Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Weekend Away in Santa Barbara!

I realize that I am little behind, well maybe alot behind and I have much to report.  In the last month, we found a new apartment (more to come on that later), my sister got engaged (thankfully) and we celebrated a friends wedding in Santa Barbara.  It was great to see all the ladies that I spent so much time with and share so many fond memories, they are just the best group of women around.  It is so funny to me that after so many years that we can all come together and have such a great time, as if we never missed a beat. 

Anyways here are the photos from our FAB weekend away.


Pam said...

Great pictures. My very favorite is the one of you and Katie. What were you laughing at?

Katie said...

I'm pretty sure it went like this:

Vickie: you are sitting on me
Katie: yes, what is your point...
Vickie: with all your weight!!
Katie: yes, i know!
Vickie: um you are still sitting on me

i believe i have several photos of me sitting on her...with all my weight!!