Such a simple question that carries such weight. It seems that there are so many people in this world that have said these vows only to find that the death do us part portion of the vows are forgotten so very easily once life becomes to hard to bare. We make decisions and choices in this world on a daily basis to fight, to love, to honor and to make a relationship a priority in ones life and this has to be something that we do consistently and honestly. NO ONE EVER SAID LIFE WAS EASY... so why would one think that marriage would be. Life is tough and only the ones that make an honest effort to be in it everyday come out a winner. I have watched the disipation of many a relationship over my lifetime, some deeply personal and others from the outside and though all seem to have a different reason for falling apart I believe whole-heartedly that all stem from one reason: EFFORT!
There was a reason that you fell in love with this person and wanted to at one point spend the rest of your life with them and that love never really falls away unless we allow it. Love takes work as do relationships. It would be nice to think that people should be able to just come together and if it is right it would be easy... But to me easy is nice, but what is the payoff to knowing that little effort was ever required of one in that partnership... Just like work, sports, and anything in life, you get out what you put in.
So in honor of my freind Rhona Madrid finding the one that she is so very lucky to spend the rest of her life with, I dedicate this post to her and to all those people that realize that the risk and the effort are well worth it... Love is all that we have to make this life worth going through.